September 19, 2009

The Dilemma: Good News - Bad News

The Good News: We live in the greatest nation in the world and our economy creates opportunity for anyone with the courage to seize it. Anyone can have finacial freedom. But only about 5% of the population ever become finacially free.

The Bad News: The vast majority of those who have succeeded in creating a business that gives them financial freedom do so only after having failed many times. Why?

We only learn from failure. Failure teaches us the skills we need to learn and how to see the next opportunity. Failure either helps us confront our fears so that we can resolve to get up and do it again or failure breaks our heart and steals our dreams.

Poor skills and lost opportunity are not the signs of a broken person! When a person still has hope and the warm coals of a dream smoldering in their heart they are not a failure. Our dreams make a difference between failing and being a failure.

It is a fact that 98% of the people who join a network marketing company fail in the first 90 days. And those who don't quit will eventually experience financial freedom. Considering this, what's the most important thing that a Sponsor can do for their people?

The most important thing a Sponsor can do is fan the coals of smoldering dreams.

Best Wishes

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The King