September 24, 2009

It's Thursday Again!

I got laid off from my best paying job six months ago.  After 2 months of being unemployed I found another job that was the next worst/best job I ever had.  It is a nationally well known company.  It boiled down to working 14 hours/day, 60 hours/week for $30K.  That's $10/hr and absolutely no personal life!!!  The wonderful thing about my experience is that it reminded me how much I love helping people. I was also missing the freedom and flexibility of being self-employed/independent contractor.  Pain isn't always bad.  Pain causes us to change.  Pain helps us focus on what is really important.

A good Sponsor finds people who are experiencing enough pain to want to change their life.  But then we have to take that pain - negative motivation and turn it into passion for a dream - positive motivation!  People need help with doing that and it can take time.
In network marketing, Sponsoring really boils down to loving people.  It's about never giving up on someone - even if they never call you back. 

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The King